Melissa Klein

Technical Classes at Stanford (Depth in Robotics & Product Realization):

ME 203 - Design and Manufacturing
ME 318 - Computed-Aided Product Design (CNC)
ME 303 - Soft Robotics
ME 327 - Design and Control of Haptic Systems
ME 321 - Multimaterial 3D Printing
ENGR 208 - Patent Law
ME 210 - Introduction to Mechatronics
ME 219 - Magic of Materials and Manufacturing (weekly tours of factories)
CS 225A - Experimental Robotics
CS 223A - Introduction to Robotics
ME 300A - Linear Algebra
BIOE 203 - Probability and Statistics

Technical Classes at MIT:

2.001 - Mechanics and Materials I
2.002 - Mechanics and Materials II
2.003 - Dynamics and Controls I
2.004 - Dynamics and Controls II
2.005 - Thermal Fluids Engineering I
2.006 - Thermal Fluids Engineering II
2.007 - Design and Manufacturing I
2.008 - Design and Manufacturing II
2.00B - Toy Product Design
2.086 - Numerical Computation for Mechanical Engineers
2.671 - Measurement and Instrumentation
2.12 - Introduction to Robotics (Design, Control, Computer Vision, Machine Learning)
6.01 - Introduction to EECS via Robotics
2.s009 - Explorations in Product Design (Capstone for Mechanical Engineering Majors)
2.70 - Precision Product Design
2.74 - Bio-Inspired Robotics